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A "Skrewball poem" , or in short "a Skrew" , is a poem with short lines and multiple rhyming or repeated words, often wi...

Tuesday 23 February 2021

The Invitation....

In 2020, our country was given an invitation,

To stay together as one, continue living as one, as a free liberty nation,

But only a few ppl stayed back, huddled together at the train station,

Waving at full carriages trundling off, travelling to an unknown Chinese destination.

bent Biden, and showbiz inaugurations

Still some of our people held tight, on to that special invitation,

They chose not to become, part of a true police state, total surveillance nation,

Too many ppl disagreed, jailing themselves, praying for salvation,

More than a few wanted freedom, screw the USA, .

The lobbyists and donors of course, had special back seat, White House invitations,

To witness a lying racist President, pretending to bow down, with glorified fake admiration,

He was only in the door a single day, b4 those men sent troops, into other nations,

N “Liberals” cheered on, whilst CIA news anchors clapped, and started salivating.

However still some people kept on, wishing hard, holding on tight with their invitations,

But the smiling fat controllers had already imagined n designed, great global inspirations,

Peoples bank balances got smaller, some sad few, enjoyed their emancipation,

Governments made sure small businesses suffered, whilst billionaires got full compensation.

A few specially selected, were welcomed with Internet invitations,

They laughed whilst it wasn't them, being de-ranked, with online damnation,

But then supposed Liberals, became free speech censors, with glee and twisted condemnation,

Until it was their time to get deplatformed, with powerful tech, censoring applications.

Only a few were left standing at the station, hoping with their invitations,

Disgusted by DAVOS, Bilderberg, and all those globalist creations,

Some went rioting, others refused their long term, untested vaccinations,

But many ppl allowed their freedoms to succumb, to permanent COVID regulations.

Myself I said sorry Gov, I don't want any police state, virus infected invitation,

And as for my subjugation, you better up dose my medications,

Coz my mind's splitting in half like cancer, all alone here, as if bombed with radiation,

And I can't handle your hypocritical changing logic, n all that Tory miss-communication.

So for the people that accepted, their Governments invitation,

They were told freedom would come, from a single vaccination,

Then it became mandatory masks, booster jabs, and yearly genetic alterations,

And don't forget it will never end, we have all those foreign born, evolving COVID mutations.

So for those of you that think, a magic solution, is in any Government invitation,

You're sorely mistaken, don't know real history, and in need of some proper education,

First they create a problem, and then they offer the people a solution,

Then they stand by to watch and profit, from a divided peoples, self annihilation.

The few that stayed back, threw away the rest of their invitations,

They were left in a bleak unsocial credit world, with no physical real, human relations,

Their only escape became, 3D holographic, fake techno creations,

But soon it became every non millionaires way, to take any kind of trip, or holiday vacation.

So BoJo go screw, your own “special” Government invitation,

A year I've been imprisoned alone, state sanctioned, under your regulations,

I spit on your safety laws, fines, and ordinance mandations,

Coz if the truth is “The Great Reset”, then it should be to REAL human mental elevation.

© 2021 – All Rights Reserved - Robert Reid

1 comment:

  1. Very true, no-one believed in The Great Reset, calling it a conspiracy etc until now when even mainstream news channels are talking about it. Funny how it takes a lot of people so much time, ignoring the evidence because they just don't want to believe in a conspiracy, and then once the BBC or CNN report on it, watering it all down of course they will but think its something good. People who don't believe in conspiracies and think "nobody can keep a BIG secret, someone would blow the whistle" arewe ignoring all the conspiracies WE KNOW are true, and have been kept from us or used as pre-textes for getting us into wars such as the lies of WMD in Iraq, the ony deadly weapons were the ones WE sold Iraqq in the 80's when Hussein was OUR msan in Iraq fighting the Iranians, who were justifiablky pissed off with the US/UK due to another FACTUAL conspiracy, operation AJAX, where we ousted a popular democratic leader and installed the Shah, all because the real elected leader wouldn't let BP and other companies steal Iranian oil. So we formented sa coup, as we do, and put a ruthlers dictator in power who totured snd killed thousands of people. Then there was the JFK conspiracy nobody can still think that was not a coup d'etat. When doctors and people saw JFKS brains literrally fall out of his head at the hospital in Dallas, but then soisomehow the "official autopsy" which even the coroner said did not matvh anything he saw, had his brains intact, a small entry wound at the back of the head and an exit wound at the front, swapping it around basically as there was an entry wound in the front and his brains exploded out the back of his head. Even the last official US Government investigation into JFK AFTER watergate the House investigation on the CIA and Assasinations, found that there WAS a conspiracy using sound detection to discover othershots fired from the Grassy Knowle. They didn't say who carried it out but they did ssy it was a conspiracy. If people think people in power cannot keep quiet and run conspiracies then look at the recent Epstein sex trafficking and Maxwells trial, no names were released, even hardened skeptics admitted Epstein was murdered in jail, and the guards who were obviously paid off to turn the CCTV off, were found to have been looking at expensive items on online stores e.g they were thinking about !wghat can we do with the hush hush money we have just been paid" as it was way above their salaries, and their court trial was fixed so neither of them went to prison and we never found out why they were looking at expensive gifts to buy or why the CCTV was off and they were not monitoring Epstein every 5 minutes as they were supposed to do due to people on suicide watch. So all the big names and "friends" of Epstein have stayed hidden, Bill Clinton who flew on his plane the "Lolita Express", what a blatant name for s pedo, and Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, the ex Israeli PM Barack etc were never realeased, no one accussed of being a pedo friend of Epstein. The murder was obvious, the ligsture marks were horizontsal not at an angle as if you were hanging yourself, and the guard thing too obvious, but it shoews when people in power are threatened it doesn't matter who you are or who you know you get "suicided". So to think thst wasn't a conspiracy to quiet him then your stupid.
