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A "Skrewball poem" , or in short "a Skrew" , is a poem with short lines and multiple rhyming or repeated words, often wi...

Sunday, 30 April 2023


Blank, blank, 

Blankety Blank,

Got no wheels with throttle,

My life is wank.

I've got to that stage,

In a hospital cage.

Where's my brain?

Scared 2 turn that page.

Drip drip,

Drip, drop, drip.

Stop them beeps,

Clickity click.

Blood stained hands,

N broken pans.

But a penny weighs a penny.

And a fag weighs a gram.

Shrinks n Docs have a meeting,

Am I there? Where's my seating?

2 of my minds often collide,

Forgotten goodbyes, forgotten greetings.

You take this n I'll take that,

Falling downstairs n baseball bats.

So give me more pills and ignore the meows,

Looking so scared as they tighten the sack.

I'm not really sure,

If I'm rotten to the core?

My mind's so blank,

Does anyone care anymore?

Sometimes it seems,

Life's just one long dream.

It was coffee one sugar,

N they skipped the cream.

Still, I had a good go,

Despite meds making me slow. 

Pharmacy's dealings,

Kept my brain from healing.

So here I am,

Mangled cold spam.

Only in my forties,

A blank brained man.

© 2023 All Rights Reserved Robert Reid

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Give Me My Meds!

Wheres the coffee lady?

I'm Choca moca crazy.

Drink at least 10 a day,

N then I piss it all away.

On the headphones, 

Locked in a music zone.

Coz Golden Brown,

Used 2 lay me down.

N Sweet Child of Mine,

Gave the devil a fine. 

But I just want 2 bet,

But NHS WiFi won't let. 

Ran out of mobile data,

Opera VPN hater.

Hanging out of windows,

Get a 4G signal if close.

I still just wanna bet,

Am I a gambling addict yet? 

Weekend racing sun, 

Only betting is good fun. 

Wattsapp calls,

A patient falls.

I can b happy like herb,

Still use fuck as a verb.

Medical notes on me, 

Paranoid schizo I'll be. 

I ask pls get my clonazepam, 

Or I'll b talking 2 an invisible man. 

The pregabs n benzos, 

Keep me calm n mellow. 

But don't give em 2 me, 

We'll see how psychotic I can B. 

Don't want 2 hurt no one, 

But I can kick off n run. 

Security r just in my way, 

Get beaten but they'll pay. 

Broken spoon spike chiv, 

Not a nice gift to give. 

Don't tell me u ain't got my meds, 

Coz u won't put me 2 bed. 

NHS strapped cash, 

Always hv my own stash. 

Can't trust em 2 hv my pills,

Wud just screw wiv my will. 

So it's NHS v Rob Reid, 

N u expect me 2 not to feed. 

Sweets, gabs n Morphine, 

Keeps Rob nice n clean. 

Call me an NHS junky,

At least I'm not robbing ur Granny. 

Call me a hypocrite, 

See damage of constant hits.

Now I'm ending this Skrew,

N hope u learned something new.

© 2023 All Rights Reserved Robert Reid