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A "Skrewball poem" , or in short "a Skrew" , is a poem with short lines and multiple rhyming or repeated words, often wi...

Tuesday, 21 January 2025


Staring through double glass,

At our tall white willow.

Thick window pass,

As I sink into pillow.

I want this to pass,

A painful memory.

Slipping school class,

To avoid my young enemy.

Stared into my mirror,

A double blot reflection.

Never run with scissors,

A youthful infection.

I can't help to believe,

My youthful distractions.

Only wanted to receive,

Less school letter infractons. 

Fighting playground bullies,

To stop unhelpful young males.

I'm pulling endless pullies,

A maze of dead end sales.

Sold out the American dreams,

No REM sleep for my head.

Rub my rash with Mums creams,

And time pass wishes in bed.

I don't know what this all makes,

Apart from a head full of pains.

A life full of heart breaks,

And nothing is to be gained. 

© 2025 All Rights Reserved Robert Reid

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New Year SKЯ3W 2025

It's another a happy new year SKЯ3W,
N I'm not sure what to do.
I know nothing, I need a clue,
But still a Merry 2,0,2,5 Year to U. 

We got a sky full of drones, 
N AIs infiltrated all R phones.
And in very hushed tones,
There's probably Donald Trump clones.

The Palestinians war in Gaza,
Is still a genocidal palaver.
It's a sick racial carve up,
N we can't even post the drama.

N then we go to Ukraine,
Where the Democrats went insane.
Hunters Bio labs were a drain, 
NATO thinkin nuclear wars jus a game.

But over here in the UK,
What can we now legally say? 
Starmer's secret police is on its way,
Go N delete them social media memes away. 

He ain't got the ppl on his side, 
N there's probably gonna be a farmers strike. 
Clarkson n Farage R causing riots, 
N we're all waiting for a new plebiscite.

We got clashes with police violence,
Over Albanian coke dealing migrants.
Just know that Turkish barber parlance,
Is from their white snot stuck a mile up. 

So what 2 say about me, 
Life ain't been a great party. 
I got winters jip on my metal knee, 
N still no shrink will go near me.

And I got a diseased heart problem,
N a lil chronic liver disease problem.
Don't forget my swollen leg problem,
N a teeny weeny legal problem.

Now u might think a SKЯ3W, 
Is an easy poem 2 pen, or do. 
My rhymes r easy, but dark n blue, 
But I recite wiv a gob full of glue. 

But enuff about me, 
We see this New Year in with glee.
N if an AI robot takes ur job pls, 
Don't blame my own coding deeds! 

So it's another New Year,
Go N pour another beer. 
Don't shed any Skrewball tears, 
Coz I still hope 2 spread some cheer! 

© 2025 All Rights Reserved Robert Reid