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A "Skrewball poem" , or in short "a Skrew" , is a poem with short lines and multiple rhyming or repeated words, often wi...

Monday, 17 February 2025


Skr3w, screw, barney McSkrew,

Screw them all and screw u too,

Been in a screw job n not 2 few,

Diablo witch screwed r whole crew.

Coz a screws a joe pullin u out of bed,

Stand by the wall put ur hands on ur head,

Open ur pockets and spins out ur bed,

A tru screw never 4gets a word uve said.

Coz a screw in the jaws pain u can't ignore,

Dental abcess my raw jaw is sore,

Too many meds n the floor is my whore,

N I can't even KO headbutting the door.

Coz a screw under my tyre is nothing new,

A skank neighbours plan n I've had a few,

Stuck roadside wiv nothing to do,

Ur wallets blank n ur mates r too.

Coz a screw on a driver is a tool jus right,

Always beware of that tool in a fight,

Plunge that shank n rotate it tight,

Bein pulled close as ur pupils unlight.

Coz a screw with a bird cud be overdue,

It could be the best screw u never knew,

Unthread ur stress the best u can do,

Unpop ur cork as ur nads turn blue.

Coz a screw aint a nail still I nailed it gd,

If u had to Google then u misunderstood,

That the thread of this Scr3w was meant 2 b good,

It only rhymes becoz I Skrewed it good.

© 2020 Rob Reid in pain after the dentist put a filling on top of an abscess!


  1. Very good. I remember that one from last year! Cleverly written

  2. Banging poem matey

  3. The original Skrew poem that started off "Skrew" poetry, or Skrewball poems, check Urban Dictionary out, link in the right sidebar under the list of stories and give us an up tick for SkЯEW, Skrew and Skr3w, they should all be in there. Original Skrewball Poems .... A true skrew ....

  4. I love the last 4 lines...

    Coz a screw aint a nail still I nailed it gd,

    If u had to Google then u misunderstood,

    That the thread of this Scr3w was meant 2 b good,

    It only rhymes becoz I Skrewed it good.
