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A "Skrewball poem" , or in short "a Skrew" , is a poem with short lines and multiple rhyming or repeated words, often wi...

Sunday 9 October 2022


Green is the colour of sick and bile,

It stinks a lot and hangs around for a while.

Green is the colour of cut grass and cricket pitches,

Imagine a village full of trees, winding roads and ditches.

Green is the colour you see of crap high up in your guts,

Don't look at the screen during a colonoscopy it hurts too much.

Green is a primary colour of light called RGB,

It's a base colour and helps make up all the other colours you see.

Green is that smell of horrible veg drifting from the kitchen,

Brussel sprouts, spinach, and all the other good for u food that keeps you bitchin'.

Green is the murky colour of underwater growth and frogs,

It's all stains on your clothes and summer moss hanging off logs.

Green isn't a colour that you would paint your car and sell very well,

It's in that list of colours that a hobbit's house may dwell.

Green is a colour not as pretty as red yellow or blue,

But I know from doctors it's the colour of food that is good for you.

So green is a gurky colour and like others to the blind hard to describe,

Just know that you ask a friend if the traffic light is green before they drive.

© All Rights Reserved 2022 By Robert Reid

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