So go fuck Facebook,
fake friends,
and fucked faced,
Facebook wannabes.
Your profiles prob all
been cloned,
so I only seen,
what I wanna see,
yet never seen.
20 year old dole blogs,
arguing, musing,
I could have been,
I should have been,
why wasn't I a “been”?
And decades year old
school friends,
Snapshoted and crop
where I wanna be, could
have been,
yet never seen.
Fuck fake face pretends,
big bell ends,
past wanna bees,
and ancient beauty
Facefuck's trade is
scammers' is roaring.
posters selling, fake
post pretending, miss-telling,
but never ever, sending.
Southern beauty Queens,
spots never seen and
endless video streams,
of automatic wet dreams,
could have, should have
beens, but sadly never to be's...
Got a dozen more “friend”
requests to send,
then I'll have tons more
in my
"fiend list" than your "friend list", even if it
never ends,
but sadly from clicks you
didn't, but wish you'd really sent.
And now every Thursday
is weekly indoors street
party night,
support health workers
nurse our Boris Johnsons
Otherwise society will get
because when society
isn't shaped and bended,
and when it's time to
rhyme along, we get along, so sing along,
and clap and salute,
It's 8 O'clock no?
The Sun says so, so it
must be so,
porch or window, put on a
good show,
coz it's patriots time
and not clapping could never be a crime....
But shouldn't the NHS be
funded right,
for all times, all come,
day and night,
not just in case of virus
like this emergency
fruitbug crime?
So sorry Mr OAP,
your name forgets me,
but the Mail,
always kindly, and daily,
reminds me.
I really don't appreciate
being told,
daily, needlessly
about your patrioticy,
your charity,
lapping your lawn as I
drink my morns cup of tea.
You'd be sitting in silk
slippers son,
drinking pints of Rum,
not in photos with Daily
n Scum,
if was up to me.
But you're not, you're
just another Facebook meme,
been sent off the best
A striker Besties never
yet just more Facefucked
news to read!
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